
We are all members of grade 3/4LC at Wangaratta West Primary School. There are 27 of us in the class. Mr Lowe, Mr Campbell and Sue are our teachers. You can follow our year in grade 3 and 4 by visiting our blog and reading our stories and reports, looking at pictures and videos and seeing our art work. You are more than welcome to leave a comment.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Can you measure each parcel accurately and work out how much it costs to post?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creating fact families

For numeracy this week we have been investigating how multiplication and division facts help each other. For example if we know that 7x8=56, we can use this fact to solve 8x7, 56 divided by 7 and 56 divided by 8. We used cards or ten sided dice to create fact families that had two multilication and two division number sentences as members. Jarvis made his fact family by turning over 3 cards. He used two cards to make a 2 digit number and used the other card's number by itself. Watch the video to see the strategies he used when making his fact family.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


On Friday and Saturday 8th and 9th of October the Wangaratta Show was held. There were animal exhibits, lots of rides, showbags, Monster Trucks and art works for us to enjoy. A highlight of the show is the fireworks that are held each year on the Friday night. Mrs Rizzo, our art teacher got us to do a piece of Art that showed a night scene with fireworks included. Hope you enjoy looking at it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Today I brought to school my two guinea pigs Elvis and Lenny. They are both female and five weeks old. I bought them at the Violet Town market for ten dollars each. I have to feed them with special guinea pig food and fruit. They love apples and bananas.
Mum said that if I look after them properly I will be able to breed from them.